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Variation Within
the Nation

A circle. A polygon. A rectangle.
(All scribbles, really)

As simple shapes come together, they create a form more uniquely complex and beautiful. Despite their identical origins each arrangement develops its own personification.
Sound familiar?
It's because you're the same.

The Original

A reaction to the Charlottesville Protests of 2017

"Just like every person, we are all made of the same basic shapes. Each individual is simply the rearrangement of these fundamental objects. The only difference between every piece is their initial appearances, just like humans."
-Ellie Reis || 2017

Express Yourself

It's commonplace for corporations and brands to promote their own messages and ideologies through their products. But what happens when our only option as consumers is to advertise their stories?

Here at VAR-I-NATION we're giving the power back to the people.

We want you to celebrate the variations that make you, You! Whether it's your skin tone, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, or whatever you feel defines you, we want you to be loud and proud.

We want to see the change.
Thats why 50% of all Profits go to Selected Charities

Mission Statement: Text
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